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Abortion Ruins Everything

Marc Tuttle

Jun 7, 2023

Zionsville jewelry exhibit shows how abortion even affects the fine arts.

Every thing can't be art, but everyone is a masterpiece created by the Creator.

Several years ago, my friend Mark Crutcher produced the documentary film Maafa21, exposing the hidden eugenics agenda behind abortion. I’ve always thought there should be a follow-up film, documenting the effects of abortion – on the black community, on religion, on politics, on education. Like black mold in an old basement, abortion’s effects silently creep throughout our whole society poisoning corners of our world we can’t even imagine.

The recent jewelry exhibit hosted by Robert Goodman in Zionsville this weekend is a prime example.. The Plan B Art Project is an exhibit of 70 artists whose works promote abortion. It will be at Goodman’s Jewelers in Zionsville through the end of July and proceeds from the exhibit will be given to Planned Parenthood. This display is shows how abortion has tainted and perverted the fine arts. Artistic expression is ultimately an act of co-creation, or better yet an act of intentional perfection. An artist takes existing material created by God, by nature, by other artists, by society, or even sometimes by the refuse other people throw away, and he transforms those objects into something beautiful or meaningful. Abortion at its core is a destructive act. For artists to use their gifts of co-creation and transformation to create propaganda to promote abortion doesn’t just denigrate human life, it denigrates art and artistic expression.

Of course, that’s not to say abortion can’t be the focus of artistry. Alex Kendrick directed and released the film LifeMark last year, which was based on the story of Melissa Coles. Melissa turned away from abortion at the last moment choosing life for her son. Our student art contests at RTLI often feature beautiful pieces of art trying to capture the destructiveness and tragedy of abortion. But these aren’t propaganda pieces. They are taking the tragedy of abortion and creating beauty and meaning out of it. The pieces on display at Robert Goodman’s show were by most accounts grotesque, and far from trying to convey meaning or beauty. They were simply raw, in your face displays of pro-abortion promotion. They were propaganda, which by itself is a perversion of art. Even worse, they were promoting the ultimate act of destruction, abortion, rather than being an expression of creation.

Art is just one area of our culture that has been poisoned by abortion. The fine arts can serve as a window into the soul of a culture, and there is no way our community’s acceptance of abortion isn’t going to affect that. The pain, tragedy, and destructive power of abortion affects us all. It has seeped into every corner of our society. Our whole culture has to heal; and for that to happen pro-lifers will have to continue to act with compassion, forgiveness and truthful witness wherever the effects of abortion reveal themselves – even in jewelry stores.

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